Waterford Lions Club Christmas Appeal

Waterford Lion's Club Christmas Hamper Appeal

Waterford Lions Club Christmas Appeal

Waterford Lions Club has launched their Christmas Appeal 2023 marking the 45th year of the appeal.   This year the Waterford Lions Club will work closely with Waterford food bank and St Vincent DePaul  to help 1200 families facing challenges in Waterford.

President of Waterford Lions Club Dr Tony Lee said “We have witnessed the generosity of the people of Waterford over the past 45 years of the appeal and it is awe inspiring to say the least.  Waterford Lions Club is dedicated to help in our community and indeed our motto is ‘We Serve’.  In this economic climate there are so many that need just that little bit of help and we hope that through our efforts we can make Christmas a special one for a lot of families”.

Waterford Lion's Club Christmas Hamper Appeal
Pictured is Mayor of Waterford City & County Cllr. Joe Conway launching the Waterford Lion’s Club Christmas Hamper Appeal 2023 with Lion’s Club President Tony Lee. The proceed of this years appeal will go to St. Vincent De Paul represented by Eugene Lanigan and The Foodbank represented by Sean O’Halloran. Included are Lion’s Club Members and John Barrett, The Foodbank. Photo: John Power

Launching the Waterford Lions Club Christmas Appeal Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr Joe Conway said, “The work that the Waterford Lions Club carry out each year is an important one and we all as Waterford people should support them.  They have helped so many families at Christmas over the years that they have really made a difference in peoples lives.  I would encourage everyone in Waterford to support the Christmas Appeal with the generosity that they have over the past 45 years”.

The planned events Waterford Lions Club Christmas Appeal 2023

  • Bodega Lunch 8th December with two sittings at 12.30pm and 2pm. To book your places contact Pat O Gorman at 086 221 4418.
  • Monster Auction Tower Hotel Wednesday 13th December Tower Hotel 7:30pm free entry.
  • Street Collection 8-16th December. Keep an eye out for our collectors.
  • Cathedral Carol Concert on Saturday the 16th of December starting at 4pm.
  • Christmas Raffle draws to be made on the 29th December. Tickets available from Waterford Lions Club members.
  • Teddy Bear raffle Bridge Hotel after Dinner on 22nd 29th November and 6th December.

It is through your support that the Waterford Lions Club has been able to help so many over the past 45 years.  We would ask you to please support as many of our events as possible or to make a donation at our street collection or through any of our members.  Let’s make this a great Christmas for everyone and remember, you can make a difference.