EU Funding for your local Community

EU Funding

FREE Practical training session on securing EU Funding for your local Community or Cultural Group

Garter Lane Theatre, Friday 22 June 10am – 1pm (Lunch included)

The Europe for Citizens Fund is taking applications until 1 September.
This round of funding is for local groups who organise events and local festivals that promote:

  • an appreciation of culture and history
  • local history
  • active citizenship
  • debate
  • volunteering
  • inclusion
  • town twinning

EU Funding


What do you think when you think about Town Twinning? You probably picture signs on the outskirts of towns and formal agreements between municipalities all over Europe. But, did you know, that community and cultural organisations in Ireland can also engage in short-term town twinning projects?
Under Europe for Citizens Town Twinning funding, a community or cultural group can apply for a small grant to fund 25+ European visitors to take part in a series of events in their locality, celebrating European culture, citizenship, solidarity and debate. This is a unique and accessible opportunity to forge connections at a European level and increase the profile of the important work around culture and engaged citizenship that is enriching communities all over Ireland.
Who is it for?
Local groups that carry out events fostering appreciation of culture and history, active citizenship, debate, volunteering, and inclusion, including town twinning committees, local festivals, historical and cultural groups, volunteering initiatives, etc.
Note: you must be a legal entity and have a bank account to apply.
What will it fund?
It will contribute towards the travel costs of 25+ people to participate in a series of events over at least 3 days.
How can I find out more?
Come to our practical training session with Europe for Citizens National Contact Point and European Programmes Officer at The Wheel, Emma Murtagh, in Garter Lane Arts Centre from 10am to 1pm (lunch included).
This 2.5 hour session will equip you with everything you need to know to make an application, including:
– The background of the programme
– Programme objectives and priorities
– Project design
– Partnership building
– Application process
– Practical tips and advice
This event is free but registration is essential. Don’t miss out: book your place now!
This event is co-hosted by Europe for Citizens, The Wheel, The Waterford Area Partnership, The Waterford Cultural Quarter and the Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre.
Places are limited so booking is essential. Lunch is included. You can find out more information and book your free place here
This event is organised by The Waterford Europe Direct Centre in partnership with The Cultural Quarter, The Waterford Area Partnership and will be facilitated by The Wheel.
For more information you can contact Sinead at