Waterford City and County Council to host day long festival of events to celebrate Africa Day 2022
Africa Day 2022; Waterford City and County Council will host Africa Day 2022, which will include the best of African music, dance, crafts, culture, food and much more to celebrate the occasion.
On Saturday, 28th May from 12pm onwards, Waterford City and County Council will host a festival of events to celebrate Africa’s strong rich and vibrant culture. This festival will allow the public to gain a richer understanding of the cultural significance of what the continent of Africa brings to the rest of the world. Hosted in Waterford Cultural Quarter, Africa Day 2022 which is a family fun day, will be held on Hanover Street, and include drumming, musical performances, a food market and traditional African dance.
Africa Day celebrates the richness of African cultures and the contribution of people of African descent to Irish life. Africa Day celebrations are organised by Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs in partnership with African embassies in Ireland and local authorities around the country.
Emma Haran, Waterford Africa Day Coordinator said, “We are absolutely thrilled to have Africa Day back as a full day festival this year, we are inviting everyone to come and celebrate the strong links between Africa and Ireland in Waterford Cultural Quarter on Saturday, May 28th”.
This year will see Ireland’s largest-ever Africa Day programme, with events being held nationwide. Africa Day 2022 will see the return of in-person events for the first time since 2019.
Minister for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy TD, said “Ireland has been enriched in so many ways by the presence of a vibrant African community. Ireland’s arts, culture, business, community development, sport and so much more have been strengthened by people of African origin or descent. Africa Day is about recognising that contribution and celebrating the culture and potential of the continent as a whole.
“After two years of online events, this year will see the welcome return of in-person events nationwide. Irish Aid’s partnership with local authorities will bring the fun of Africa Day to communities around the country. I am delighted that Africa Day 2022 is set to be our biggest-ever Africa Day celebration.”
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/waterfordculturalquarter/