Boost for Mental Health Facility

Boost for Mental Health Facility

Boost for Mental Health Facility

Boost for Mental Health Facility; The recreation and recovery activities programme for patients at the Dept. of Psychiatry acute mental health facility located on the grounds of University Hospital Waterford are delighted to have been one of the beneficiaries of an extraordinary fundraising drive by a Waterford athlete.

Beginning on Tuesday 14th April, Frank Quinlan (an experienced marathon runner and member of Waterford Athletic and Triathlon Clubs), ran 21 kilometres every day for 21 consecutive days and within two kilometres of his home in Hillview, Waterford.

Boost for Mental Health Facility

When he completed the “journey” on Bank Holiday Monday 4th May, Frank was humbled by the response of people at such a difficult time – as over €14,000 was raised towards various causes involving front line health care workers and the promotion of mental health and wellbeing and suicide prevention.

This week, Frank Quinlan visited the Dept. of Psychiatry (DoP) to meet team members there and to donate €3,000 towards the programme of recovery and recreation for inpatients of the facility.

Judith Murphy (Clinical Nurse Manager/Recreational and Recovery Programmes Services Co-ordinator), in receiving the donation from Frank, said:

“I had seen in local media that Frank was dedicating his efforts to front line health workers and I was delighted to learn that whom he had in mind was specifically those of us working in the mental health services. Our service users, both current and potential, were also of course to the fore in such considerations. It has been a challenging time for the dedicated range of staff the HSE/South East Community Healthcare have in excellent facilities like the DoP and other support residences and community services. The welfare of those that depend on us throughout counties Waterford and Wexford remains our priority in all circumstances.”  

“We are continuing to provide our very valued ‘Move Your Mood’ programme at the DoP in Waterford. The commitment of Clinical Nurse Specialist colleagues Elizabeth Colclough and Paul Phelan to improving quality, positivity and motivation ensured that the ‘Move Your Mood’ got off the ground here and has been successful. Indeed, some of its aims tie in with one of the things Frank has been speaking about during his trojan 21 day undertaking. Forms of recreation are a route to maintaining, improving or recovering physical and mental health and wellbeing and help to prevent depression and suicidal thoughts.”

“We were delighted to welcome Frank to the DoP and to thank him for a demonstration of his own endurance being a catalyst for the generosity, compassion and sense of solidarity among the people of Waterford and South Kilkenny to be expressed at this time.”