How can we do our bit?
We here at Waterford In Your Pocket we often harp on about people dumping rubbish in our beautiful countryside and applaud the people, often volunteers, that carryout beach cleanups and more . So we thought you’d be interested in how you can do your bit for the environment and where you live.
Let’s face it, talking about the environment is not a fad. It’s something that we are talking about for years. From the ozone layer to global warming the conversation started a long time ago. The reason why I say that it’s not a fad is because we are all conscious of how we can do our bit to help the environment.
The kids are leading the charge on highlighting climate change and the fact that something has to be done NOW and not later to address the problem. But as a parent I often found that I didn’t either know the facts or thought that I was doing enough by putting out my green bin twice a month. Sure isn’t putting the green bin out enough? There is a great Irish website out there to tell us about recycling and I for one have read it with great interest.
Did you know that you can make a bicycle out of 650 recycled aluminium cans? Or that the average household in Ireland is responsible for 1 Ton of Food Waste, that’s somewhere between €400 and €1000 per year!
The website called is full of not only information but also what you can put into your bins as waste and what you can recycle.
There is also a link to find out locations of bottle banks, civic amenities, light bulb drop off points and more. Simply click on the link at
You will be interested to see that there are a lot of tips on recycling at
In this age of information overload we often forget that we can really make a difference and set an example for future generations.
So remember REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE.