Open Call for Art created during COVID

Open Call for Art created during COVID

Open Call for Art created during COVID from Imagine Arts Festival

2020 Imagine Arts Festival launch an Open Call for Art created during COVID from young artists

‘Creating Together – Apart’ – A Young Artists Exhibition

The 2020 Imagine Arts Festival will host a very unique art exhibition during the festival this October titled ‘Creating Together – Apart’.
An open call for submissions to the exhibition is now being launched by the festival organisers, which aims to gather together snapshots of life as they are during the Covid19 pandemic in the form of visual art. The festival team wants to promote the artistic creations of young people from the ages of 7-17 during this time of Covid-19, and all that it brings. ‘Creating Together – Apart’ will focus on this moment in time, and all submissions will feature in an art exhibition at a space within Waterford City during Imagine Arts Festival 2020.

Open Call for Art created during COVID
Pictured is Calem Foskin-Dee and Lauren Carbery

Speaking of the planned exhibition and open call Festival Manager Nora Boland says, “Due to COVID 19 we are living in a new way. Spending lots more time in our homes and exploring our local areas. But while being apart we are still finding ways to be together, from online chats to phone calls, even sending each other presents and letters in the post. Art can help us through times like this, as we can express how we are feeling by being creative. Inspiration can come from anywhere. The great thing is that everyone’s experience is different, so everybody can offer something unique! We are very thankful to Waterford based K Sports who have come on board to kindly sponsor the prizes for this competition.”
The submissions for the exhibition will also be judged with a prize on offer for first, second and third place under two age categories, age 7 to 12 years and age 13 to 17 years. A cash prize of €100 – 1st place, €50 – 2nd place and € 25 – 3rd place is on offer respectively in each category.
Open Call for Art created during COVID
Participants are asked to create one 2D art piece based on their own experience during Coronavirus. This can take the form of one drawing or painting or collage or a mixed media piece. The artists can even combine some spoken word into their piece.
A title for the work must also be provided and the artwork must be submitted with the artist’s name, age, contact number and the title of your piece to Imagine Arts Festival Young Artists Competition, c/o Theatre Royal, The Mall, Waterford, X91 PK15. Submissions to be received no later than 5 pm on Friday, 28th August 2020.