Public Consultation on Waterford’s North-West Suburbs

Public Consultation

Share your thoughts on the new seven-year plan that aims to make Waterford’s North- West Suburbs a more connected and vibrant community.


Public Consultation on Waterford’s North-West Suburbs; Waterford Community Safety Partnership is inviting the public to participate in a consultation period for the development of the North-West Suburbs Community Action Plan 2023-2030.

The seven-year action plan aims to promote sustainable community development in the suburbs of Gracedieu, Knockhouse, Bawndaw, Norwood, Logloss, Gibbet Hill and Carrickphierish.

Public Consultation

The Action Plan is being developed in collaboration with local stakeholders and the community, in order to inform and deliver more vibrant, connected and cohesive community suburbs.

To ensure that the plan reflects the needs and aspirations of the community, members of the public are encouraged to share their views and vision for the county through various channels, both online and in-person.

An in-person consultation workshop will take place on Monday, November 20th. This drop-in interactive workshop will provide a variety of ways for the public to share their experiences of and priorities for the North-West Suburbs.

Members of the public are invited to come along to the Community Room, Carrickphierish Library, Gracedieu, Waterford between 5pm and 8pm to have an input in the consultation process.

Alternatively, a series of focus group sessions will be held throughout November. To find out more or to register your interest email

An online survey will be opened shortly through Waterford Community Safety Partnership social media platforms (@waterfordsafety on X (formally Twitter) and Instagram and Waterford Community Safety Partnership on Facebook).

Submissions can also be made in writing to WLCSP, 8A Catherine Street, Waterford or by emailing

For further information, follow @waterfordsafety or search the hashtag #WaterfordNorthWestSurburbs on social media.