Annestown Beach

Annestown or Bun Abha, meaning “River’s End” is a coastal village where the Anne River meets the sea on the Copper Coast. It is a popular destination for surfers but only when there are large swells and waves as the cove has very shallow water. The beach is ideal for families. At low tide Annestown comes to life with its sea arches and islands and its a haven for wildlife. At the eastern end of the beach there is a carpark which is only meters away from the strand. At the car park there is an old “Lime Kiln” ready to explore. The cliffs are dangerous in the area so walking without experienced guides is not advised. From Annestown, if you look land inward you will see Dunhill Castle where the Anne Valley walk starts, something else for you to explore.

Photography © Eamonn Bolger

Annestown Beach

Annestown Beach, Ireland
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