Big Plans for Mount Congreve
There are big plans for Mount Congreve and Waterford Council are looking for your input. From time to time, Waterford City & County Council asks for the public’s input and opinion on proposed developments in Waterford. Different projects and plans may have periods of public consultation, during which members of the public can make observations on proposed developments or can contribute ideas to proposed projects.
“Proposed Part 8 Development – Renovation of Mount Congreve House & Gardens”
The objective of the works is to develop Mount Congreve House and Gardens in to a world class visitor experience. The development will consist of:
- Renovation and up-grade of Mount Congreve House to provide for access by the public, host events, visitor accommodation and offices. Works will include installation of a lift, universal access, toilets, kitchen, fire safety improvements and installation of a bio-energy heating system.
- Development of the farm yard to incorporate a café; offices, meeting facilities, craft yard; children’s play area and a retail unit.
- Other works will include the development of a car park, waste water treatment facility, creation of a wetland garden, upgrade of existing greenhouse, upgrade of apartments and cottages to provide high quality tourist accommodation, enhancements to the grounds and paths and development of a children’s playground.
- Improvements to sight lines on the L4411 by setting back the estate wall at the entrance just west of the main entrance into the House and Gardens. The second entrance will be used for traffic entering the gardens and the existing main entrance will be used for traffic exiting the gardens.
- The works materially effect the character of Congreve House and demense, WA 7500 35, a protected structure.
It’s an exciting time for Mount Congreve and these upgrades will defiantly make the gardens more attractive to visitors.