Sea Horse Commemoration

The Sea Horse Tramore

The 200th anniversary of the sinking of the Sea Horse in Tramore Bay

The coastline of Waterford is one of the most beautiful coastlines in the whole country. With its inlets and coves, beaches and headlands, cliffs and harbours, a coast where so many of us love to visit and enjoy the splendour of what it has to offer.
But we also have to remember and respect that the sea also is a terrible beauty and when Mother Nature starts to churn up the seas and wind the full force of its power can be witnessed as a storm can change the gentle coastline into a living hell. It was in a storm like this that that 200 years ago on the 30th of January that the worst sea disaster that Waterford has ever witnessed.
The sinking of the Sea Horse on January 30th 1816 will be forever remembered for the loss of 363 souls in the Bay at Tramore. Men, women and children all lost their lives on this faithful day.
The Sea Horse Tramore
200 years later a committee was formed in Tramore to commemorate the sinking of the Sea Horse and to remember those who lost their lives. Starting with an ecumenical service in the Holy Cross Church in Tramore officiated over by Dean Maria Jansson and Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan; attended by Mayor of Waterford City and County John Cummins, British Ambassador to Ireland Dominick Chilcott as well as members of The Oireachtas and Irish The Defence Forces along with the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment.

The Sea Horse
Dean Maria Jansson and Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan in prayer remembering those who were lost at the sinking of the Sea Horse

Wreaths were laid at the Sea Horse Memorial Monument at the Church of Ireland and also on the beach where many of the bodies were washed ashore.
The Sea Horse
Members of the RNLI lay a wreath at Tramore Bay

Members of the RNLI, Irish Coast Guard, Bunmahon Lifeguard Club, Irish Water Safety, Order of Malta, Tramore Cliff and Mountain Rescue, Tramore Sea Rescue, Civil Defence and Emergency Services along with Rescue 117, the men and women who work tirelessly to keep us all safe and from harm’s way were in attendance, to show their respect and remember those who lost their lives on that fateful day 200 years ago.
The Sea Horse
Mayor of Waterford City and County John Cummins, British Ambassador to Ireland Dominick Chilcott as well as members of The Oireachtas and Irish The Defence Forces along with the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment

The Sea Horse Tramore
Mayor of Waterford City and County John Cummins, British Ambassador to Ireland Dominick Chilcott laying a wreath at the Sea Horse memorial at CHrist Church in Tramore

The Sea Horse Tramore
The Sea Horse Memorial at Christ Church in Tramore

The Sea Horse Tramore
British Ambassador to Ireland Dominick Chilcott address the crowd who gathered to remember the tragic loss of life.

The Sea Horse Tramore
Wreath laying at the newly built Cairn on the Prom in Tramore by Mayor of Waterford Metropolitan area Eamon Quinlan

Rescue 117 in a fly over with the Metal Man in the background.  The Metal Man was built in 1824, warning mariners of the dangerous Tramore Bay
Rescue 117 in a fly over with the Metal Man in the background. The Metal Man was built in 1824, warning mariners of the dangerous Tramore Bay

The Sea Horse Tramore
by Mayor of Waterford City and County John Cummins, British Ambassador to Ireland Dominick Chilcott as well as members of the Irish The Defence Forces along with the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment

The Sea Horse Tramore
The Sea Horse Tramore
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them

To follow the work of the Sea Horse Committee then click HERE