Treat Yourself (on a budget!)

Treat Yourself
by Michelle Heffernan
Here at Waterford in Your Pocket, we know September can bring on the back to school blues. We’ve taken a trip to the old reliable (yes, that’s right Penneys) and found you some cheap and cheerful ways to beat the blues and treat yourself!

Eyes Wide Shut

Treat Yourself
I’m going to give all males a heads up and say this entire post is quite girly (though there is a product for men below!) My magpie eyes first went to the shiny sparkly corners of the cosmetics counter in Penneys and that’s when I spotted these fabulous eye palettes! Now, I know we’re all mourning the loss of long summer evenings, but darker seasons herald darker looks, and the glitter season is coming! This glitter eye palette is just €5, the potent pigment pots only €3, and , if you’re feeling especially self-celebratory, you just have to get the Alice in Wonderland eye palette! €12 and you’ll look and feel like a Disney princess. In the good way, that is,not the sparkle motion kind of way.

Mask your Moodiness

Treat Yourself
As temperatures drop its time to seek indoor entertainment, so why not turn your home into your own homemade spa? The masks they are a plenty in Penneys at present, including, one especially for men , just €1-1.50 as shown above. Aside from face mask fun with massagers and mixing kits there are lip masks,(€1.50), hair masks (€2-4) as well as the adorable little scrubbers above! Light the fire, set the playlist to chill, and treat yourself and your body to some budget beautification

Happy Homes

Treat Yourself
If you’re not into glamming it up or soothing your soma, there are also some thrifty home comforts to treat yourself to. I love surrounding myself with inviting scents, and so was quick to pick up this scented candle for €1 and reed diffuser for €1.50. I’m also a sucker for anything cute and cuddly- so if anyone sympathised with my Disney princess chime earlier on, you’ll probably love these unicorn slippers! How could you not look forward to coming home and slipping on those bad boys! Price approximately €6. Magical! 🙂